Thelwall Mummers in 2016

Intended full team photo epic fail at the Pickering Arms, Wed 14 Dec 2016
Rob (St George) is absent and wasn't noticed 'till the picture was viewed several hours later

L-R (upright): Andrew (Slasher), Henry (Phoebe), Kevin (Doctor), Malcolm (Johnny Jack), Rick (in Dragon),
Dave (King of Egypt), Jasper (Beelzebub)
L-R (bending): Geoff (Fool), Bill (Devil Doubt), Steve (Fat 'n Fine)

The Cast in Order of Appearance (new tab/window)

The Play in Pictures from Performances

"I open the door and enter in"

"In comes I, the Turkish Knight"

"Here am I, St George"

St George announces his intention to fight the fiery dragon.
The dragon appears with threats of his own 
"...with my long teeth and scurvy jaw I'll eat that English dog who holds the floor"

George tell the dragon to ..."stay and boast no more"

George appears to kill the dragon, but the dragon attacks again from behind...

...but a squirt of water douses the dragon's enthusiasm

With dragon vanquished, George is free to "...woo fair Phoebe, the King of Egypt's daughter"

"Come Phoebe, thou art so lovely, 
but what causes thee to look so glum"

"Oooh, George, though you've won me fair this day,
 I fear my Brother Slasher thee may slay"

The pair taunt each other and weapons are drawn

Slasher gets the upper hand...

...but is held back by the Fool
(pausing only to change his hat)

Eventually, with the aid of some skulduggery from his sister, Slasher is slain.
His father, the King of Egypt steps in crying "...Cruel George what have you done, you've wounded and killed my only son"
(I hope you are keeping up with all this)

The King of Egypt, calls on a Doctor to " his son from lingering in his grave"

The Doctor gives some disgusting ineffective liquid, making things worse.

The King "..knows a trick that will not fail..." and steals some nearby drink

Slasher revived, George runs off with Phoebe - happy ending so time for some odd characters to make an appearance


Fat 'n Fine
Half starved, half blind

Beelzebub - in hand carry a club 
and in other a dripping pan - Jolly Old man?

Johnny Jack
Wife and family on his back

Johnny Jack's song and dance routine is shocking and he is boo-ed off the stage

The Fool dances his Jig

Afterwards at the closing party the characters share a swift half or two

Slasher photographed with busts of some of his relatives

Goto to Carrington Moss Mummers  Page or 2016 Cast and Performances

Photograph ©Thelwall Morris Men
WWW pages managed by Andrew White
Last updated 04 January 2017