Past the CArnival field
Back into the housing estate following rapturous applause from the corner
Pause to entertain the crowd with a couple of figures from "The
Quaker", Bampton
Back to Winstering down the road...
Pause for a dance
Half hey, mid chorus
last bit of sidestepping before...
"Face up"
The approach to the field - almost a team photo
Lichfield Vandals of Hammerwich - heading up
After the caper up.
A Moulton dance, mid-hey in Little Johnny England
Jockey to the fair - two dancing at a time
Knuckles Akimbo, Moulton.
Not often is the team in the air is captured on film (SD card)
Capered up
The end of Bonny Green Garters and end of the day for us
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