Sandbach Day of Dance 2024
1st June 2024

Due to availability of dancers we had 5 exclusive dancers and 3 music men (one of which could also dance if required)
So most of our dances were done with 4 dancers

We danced 21 dances spread over 6 dance spots, here is a selection of pictures from some of te dances during the day

All participating team's Photo

Team Photo
L-R: Ian, Andrew, Jasper (front), Steve, David (back), Rick and Del

First Spot: The Cobbles

Constant Billy, Bampton

Corner show

Hunt the Squirrel, Headington

Heading off for a Whole Hey

Orange in Bloom, Moulton

Diagonal Back-to-Back in the 4-man version (corners cross, in effect)

Second Spot: The Market

Lollipop Man, Ducklington

Corners meet in the middle - Diagonal across the set view....

Third Spot: The Old Hall

Young Collins, Oddington

Going into a Half ey

Someone's wrong here
Answer: Henry and Ian (on left side looking

Wow everyone in step

Step and Fetch Her, Bampton

Sidestep back after crossing the set

Fourth Spot: Sandbach Town Hall

Old Tyler, Ducklington

Spring capers to turn

Caper(ed) up - Ringhey Morris watching from the wings

Knuckles Akimbo, Moulton

The End - "Knuckles bare and covered in blood".
Music man Jasper (centre)  really getting into it

Thanks for the Hat, Maureen, Bampton [style]

The team photo from the rear
L-R: David, Del, Henry, Rick, Ian, Andrew, Jasper, Steve

Side stepping or not depending where you are in the set

Fifth Spot: The Old Hall

Jockey to the Fair, Ducklington

Second pair doing their bit with Doomsday Morris looking on

Vandals of Hammerwich, Moulton

In this 4-man version the whole hey did not go to plan - AT ALL
The bad news is we videoed it - copies available for a large sum

Swing backs after heading up (down the slope on the car park, which was a bit confusing)

Sixth Spot: The Cobbles

Rigs of Doom, Bampton [Style]

Gypsy - if Ian's posture is correct

Princess Royal, Ducklington

Steve and Andrew in perfect synchronisation

Show Dance: Thanks for the Hat, Maureen, Bampton

The end of an exhausting day of dancing

After the dancing, and a pint

Acting Foreman, Andrew (The Toothless Wonder), Jasper (The photobomber) and Suzanne (Team Photographer)
One of the Sandbach Crosses visible in the background

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Photographs © Thelwall Morris
Webmaster: Andrew White
Last updated 04 June 2024