Team for the day (apart from the Mayor of Warrington and the Lady from
Gainsborough Hse)
We are (L-R): Rick, Geoff, Malcolm, Steve, Henry ('twixt Mayor and lady), David,
Andrew, Bill, Del
End of a hankie dance - leg in air/on the ground - the Jury is out on that one
Stick dance in full flight - Arty shot
The Mayor looks on completely engrossed
The team show of their dog toiletting move
Bonnt Green Garters danced around the music man
The big finish - well it should have been
An encore called for, so we performed our own dance called...
"Thanks for the Hat, Maureen"
The dance performed with both the eponymous Maureen and the writer/inventor of
the dance - the eponymous hat not on show, though
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